We've got got enough negativity in our lives as it is. Avoid listening to and using these phrases to help make your gym time a more positive experience.
Goblet Squats For Strength, Mobility and More
The goblet squat is one of the most effective ways of simplifying a strength movement. See how I use it in my own training programs and why it should be a beneficial addition to your own training, even if you've already been squatting with a barbell.
12 Loaded Carries With Kettlebells
Need more loaded carries in your workouts? Here's a dozen variations you can perform with nothing but kettlebells. Not everyone has access to strongman equipment like specialized farmer's handles, but these kettlebell carrying exercises will add plenty of strength and conditioning variety to your routine. If you like being strong, healthy, and lean add some of these exercises into your program.
Quick Kettlebell Workout with Rudy Thomas
This quick kettlebell workout is a guest post from Rudy Thomas, former Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at UCSD and current Head Coach at Fitwall. All you need is a kettlebell and a good effort!
Quick Lower Body Workout 6/9/2014
A great workout to build lower body and core strength as well as mobility through the hips and upper torso. This workout easily be done in 10 minutes.
Quick Workouts to Be Strong Made Simple
No one has the time to take care of their own health, to be fitter, to build their self up. You may even tell yourself that. And believe it too. But the challenges you face now due to time constraints are only going to compound over time as they begin to physically limit your ability to move and enjoy life. This is the first part of a series to help you make strength, mobility, and fitness a part of your life right now.
Interesting Things To Read 03/28/14
A few links you should consider checking out today. How practical is psoas release? A big tip for improving your overhead press. And Tony's blog is great too.
5 Ways To Simplify Your Workout
You're busy and you've got plenty of things that can distract you from your training on any given day. Here are 5 ways you can simplify your gym time without sacrificing results.