Before I met Brian, I had been competing in Jiu Jitsu and I had received my purple belt in Jiu Jitsu just a few months earlier. I had some success competitively, taking numerous medals in tournaments around the world.
But something was missing. While I was doing well in tournaments, I always felt like I was gassing out in the later matches of the tournament, and I was constantly struggling with the strength of the majority of my competitors. At the gym, I could hang with the stronger opponents, but at times it felt like I was just wethering the storm until they could overpower me and get the submission.
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I started working with Brian about a year ago and the results have been amazing. In just under two months of working with Brian, I took the bronze medal at the 2011 Jiu Jitsu World Championships for my weight & belt, a division with over 90 competitors from dozens of countries. I had 6 matches in one day, 3 of them that went the full match time and going into my semi-final match it was the first time I've felt fresh that late in the tournament. I ended up losing the semifinals by an advantage (sort of a tie-breaker) to the eventual world champion.
Fast forward 6 months and we're back on track for another successful run at a world title. Brian and I have been hard at work and the results of having a full camp have been amazing. I'm getting better positions than ever before and the same guys at the gym who overpowered me before are now in the role I was. I am more explosive, can hold chokes and grips much longer, have an easier time with larger opponents, and can train much longer and harder than before. Overall my entire game has improved and my technique has gotten even better as well due to the increase in strength, stamina, and flexibility.
In addition to Brian helping me with deadlifts, flexibility work, injury prevention, diet, and cardio, he's also been a real help in my mental approach to both my workouts and my competitions. He's always asking about details in both the matches and training and shows the extra interest you just don't get from most trainers. He's there to yell at me when I need a kick in the ass, but knows when I've hit my limits. He's always aware of injuries and seems to know what's going on with my body before I do.
If you're a competitive athlete, you owe it to yourself to give Brian a call. He's a great friend, and an amazing trainer. Win or lose, I'm glad I have Brian in my corner.
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